Workshop Schedules

WSIP offers a number of workshops weekly throughout the semester. Workshops are interactive and activity-based. Participants are encouraged to bring samples of their own writing to practice skills. See each category below for details. Contact us at with questions.

*Minors under 18 years of age may attend workshops if a parent attends with them or signs a waiver permitting them to attend. Contact us at least one day before the workshop.


COST: Attendance is free for U of A undergraduate and graduate students. Non-students may purchase attendance for $10/workshop. Purchase includes a recording of the workshop, upon request. U of A students may purchase workshop recordings for $10/workshops as well. Discounts are available when you purchase several workshops at the same time.  

LOCATION: Online only. You will receive a link when you register.

Please contact us at should you have any problems registering, or if you have registered but not received a link to the workshop by day before the session. 

If you need to request a signature confirming your participation, please ask the instructor during the workshop and be prepared to email them the document.

Mondays, 12 - 12:50 pm (Arizona)
Wednesdays, 10-10:50 am (Arizona)
Jan 27, Academic Writing Refresher: This workshop will review basic elements of the writing process and components of academic papers to help writers refresh their knowledge for a new semester of writing.  
The recording of this workshop is available for purchase. Contact us at
Feb 5, Project Management: We’ll discuss how to apply project management strategies to short- and long-term writing projects. For example, how do you effectively manage a class paper or a dissertation project?

The recording of this workshop is available for purchase. Contact us at

Feb 10, AI and Academic Writing: We’ll address the growing popularity of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools available among academic writers, and some common benefits and dangers with their use. We’ll discuss how AI can be used effectively and ethically to support writing practices and provide opportunities for practice.

The recording of this workshop is available for purchase. Contact us at

Feb 19, Strategies for Academic Reading and Writing: We’ll discuss how reading strategies can strengthen your writing practices. We’ll review standard structure and organization of academic texts and how to identify key elements; best practices for annotation; and how an organized reading process can benefit your writing needs.

The recording of this workshop is available for purchase. Contact us at

Feb 24, Writing Personal Statements: This workshop will focus on how to get past the awkwardness of writing about yourself so you can draft an engaging and effective personal statement for academic applications.  

The recording of this workshop is available for purchase. Contact us at

Mar 5, Academic Writing and Neurodivergent Writers: This workshop takes a neurodivergent-affirming approach to discuss common strengths and struggles of different neurodivergent writers, cover strategies and approaches others have found helpful, and offer time for discussion or reflection about your own writing experience. No diagnosis or disclosure is required to attend: self-diagnosed, questioning, or curious are all welcome. 

The recording of this workshop is available for purchase. Contact us at

U of A Spring Break 

March 10-14

U of A Spring Break

March 10-14

Mar 17, Imposter Phenomenon and Perfectionism in Writing: This workshop will review imposter phenomenon (imposter syndrome) and perfectionism and how they reveal themselves in the academic writing process. We’ll discuss how to recognize external and internal influences and review strategies to heal your writing practices.

The recording of this workshop is available for purchase. Contact us at

Mar 26, A Mindful Approach to Writing: As stress and anxiety often prevent us from writing, we all need to find the right balance to focus. We will discuss and practice strategies to introduce mindfulness into our writing practices to reduce stress and support positive writing experiences.  


Mar 31, Vibrant Verbs: We’ll discuss and practice how to add “punch” to your writing by choosing powerful, meaningful verbs. We’ll share and practice strategies to make assertive claims.


Apr 9, Is Passive Voice Okay?: What is the real story on passive and academic writing? We'll discuss the grammar structures of active and passive voice, review examples from academic writing, and practice revising sentences into these structures.
Apr 14, Cutting Lengthy Writing: Many writing situations call for writers to write briefly and concisely on a topic. We'll discuss and practice strategies for condensing existing content at the paper, paragraph, and sentence levels.


Apr 23, End of the Semester Writing Tips: This workshop will address how to prioritize final revisions on projects due at the end of the semester. We’ll also discuss how to keep writing momentum going through the summer break when you have long-term projects.  




Each semester, we offer an online workshop free and open to all writers (students, staff, faculty and other writers from any institution and community).  Workshops are FREE to attend.  All registered participants will receive a recording of the workshop. Certificates of Attendance are available upon request for all who attend the live session. If you missed the registration and are interested in the content, you may purchase the recording for $10. Recordings are available for a limited time.

Spring 2025: WSIP "You've Got Style: Reflecting on and Refining Your Writing Style" 

May 29, 12-1 pm
Online Only

In this online workshop, we will explore how elements such as word choice, sentence structure, tone, and guidelines provided by others contribute to writing style. We will analyze our own writing styles and practice experimenting with elements of style through hands-on activities. Special Topics Workshops are free and open to non-academic and academic writers. These workshops may be of special interest to staff members and other professionals who have writing responsibilities but may not receive support or resources to develop their writing skills and confidence. 


Digital Workshop Available for Purchase:

Whittling down Wordiness
In this workshop, we introduce useful strategies for making writing concise by reducing redundancy, avoiding clutter, and using prepositions effectively.

Available in 20-minute segments for $4 per segment. Contact us for more information.