We offer free drop-in tutoring for University of Arizona students only, during the regular academic semester (August to December, and January to May, via Zoom). Schedule is subject to change, always check this page for updates. We are closed on U of A holidays.
Drop-In tutoring is a free service for U of A undergraduate and graduate students. Students can meet with a WSIP tutor to receive focused feedback on a shorter sample of writing. Sessions are 15-30 minutes, depending on availability. No appointment is necessary. The links to the meeting sessions are below.
*Note: We do not tutor for documents written for exams (e.g., comprehensive exams), and tutoring for job market materials is a fee-based service.
WSIP is closed on January 20 in recognition of the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday.
Mondays, 3:00 - 5:00pm
Join Zoom Meeting, https://arizona.zoom.us/j/81405475132.
If you experience difficulties with the link, please contact kabarto@arizona.edu and jenniferglass@arizona.edu.
Fridays, 2:00 - 4:00pm
Join Zoom Meeting, https://arizona.zoom.us/j/82686723830
If you experience difficulties with the link, please contact moraglin@arizona.edu.
In the event that a tutoring or drop-in session is not available, there are several other services on campus that you can contact. Click here to see our tutoring referral handout.