Nadia Moraglio holds an MA in ESL from the University of Arizona (UA) and has over 20 years of experience in language teaching. At WSIP, Nadia tutors, teaches workshops, and facilitates writing groups. Nadia also teaches and develops online ESL and writing courses at Pima Community College. In addition, she delivers grammar and pronunciation courses for Spanish speakers at UNAM university. In the past, Nadia taught ESL, teacher training (TEFL), and Italian at the UA as well as EFL in Shantou University, China. She regularly engages in classroom-based research and enjoys sharing that with the teaching community. Her main interests are assessment, feedback, and online teaching. Nadia loves working with students from all backgrounds and learning about their academic interests.
Watch Nadia's presentation, "Abandoning the Remedy Myth: Writing Centers as Resources for Skill Building," at the Online Writing Centers Association 2024 Conference.
Watch Nadia's presentation, "Empowering Learners through Online Feedback," at the Online Writing Centers Association 2023 Conference.